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Space Availability - Drescher Library

Drescher Library is available to current graduate students, staff, and faculty for a maximum of 3 hours per day.

Any items left unattended will be removed from a study room that conflicts with a reservation for a different patron. Items will be stored at the circulation desk for owners to retrieve. The Drescher Library does not assume any responsibility for items that are left unattended.


If you have questions or need assistance please call (310) 506-8566 between our hours of operation.

Group Study Rooms are located in the Drescher Graduate Campus Library. Rooms are only available to current Pepperdine graduate students, faculty, and staff. Unfortunately, at this time rooms are not available for Alumni to use. Group Study Rooms are available for up to 3 hours per day, per group. Priority is given to groups of 2 or more. If the room is still available, a group may continue to use the room. 

Room reservations begin at the top of the hour (e.g., 3:00 PM) and will be held for 15 minutes after the reserved start time (e.g., 3:15 PM). If the person or group who reserved the room has not shown up by fifteen after, the room will then be released from that reservation and considered available. If in the latter case the room is lost for the first hour but reserved for the next hour or two, the reservation for the subsequent hours is still valid. If you reserve your room 15 minutes after the hour or later, you do not have the right to remove anyone who is already occupying the room.

We reserve the right to cancel and/or prevent study room reservations in the event that a student attempts to circumvent the study room reservation rules and/or fails to comply with written and/or verbal directions from library staff.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding